Yiou Wang王一鸥 | Yujie Wang王宇杰

The Moving Maze/动态迷宫

动态迷宫正在成都的“从跳棋到复杂系统”展览,其设计思想与方法发展成的研究成果参加了ACM主办的2021年“Creativity & Cognition”学术论坛;动态迷宫艺术作品即将在香港城市大学主办的第二届Art & Machine座谈会被展出。
The orderly fragments contribute to the disorder of the system. The rational and finite movement of each unit and the random, infinite nature of the entire system form a seemingly oxymoronic kit-of-parts.
The Moving Maze is a spatial system of an indeterminate world where the human agent and the environment are mutually responsive, a realization of a methodical idea born from our continuous contemplation on games. A multicursal maze is a misorienting system composed of repetitive parts. The maze is deconstructed into the non-subdivisible neutral unit, which can propagate through replication and orthogonal rotation into a field, under control of a computational system that reacts to the player’s movement by automatically rotating its parts. On the macro level, this field is an indeterminate miniature world where the player self-navigates; on the meso level, it is perceived as passage, corner, junction, and dead end; on the micro level, it is the repetition of homogeneous units. Ripped with the player’s local movement, the interactive maze adjusts itself incessantly, while the player continues to re-route among the disorder, adapting to strategic anticipation.
The Moving Maze is exhibited in “From Checkers to Complex Systems” in Chengdu, China; its design methodology and philosophy were developed into a research that participated in ACM Creativity & Cognition 2021 Conference; the artwork will also be presented in the Second International Symposium of Art & Machine at City University in Hong Kong, 2021.
Exhibition Delivery
Video game: The Moving Maze



Yiou is an architect, artist and theoretical researcher whose works encompass architecture, digital illustration, comic, and game. With a psychology/linguistic background, Yiou detects the invisible, immeasurable layers of physical and social phenomena, and uncovers them with unique techniques. Yiou’s artworks and research focus on gamified and ritualized spatial conditions, storytelling of paradoxical space and temporalities, Mixed Realities, and the gamer as the basic state of beings. Yiou’s recent works include Home of Day and Night, a gamified architectural proposal of the COVID-striken town; The Paradoxical Double Life of Otto, a serial comic of two converging storylines; Carbon Spring, an architectural proposal of a monument reacting to global warming; and Memory Miner, a video game of the futuristic reality of memory externalization with meta-game narratives. Yiou is currently a Master of Architecture candidate at Harvard University Graduate School of Design.

王宇杰是客观与主观世界的协调者,他通过塑造人和机器与人和环境的关系来增强人与人之间的连接。作为交互设计架构师、创意工程师和创业者,宇杰致力于通过协调人的感觉与机器的感知来探究未来的社会与技术体系。他在智能系统、感官体验和产品服务中塑造人如何与混合现实、脑机界面、自动驾驶车辆以及自适应的建筑环境等系统互动从而创造有意义的体验。宇杰目前在麻省理工学院学习,是Muser和AiRCAD的创始人,拥有Philips医疗和Bruce Mau Design的工作经历以及Media Lab媒体实验室和哈佛医学院的研究经历。

Yujie is a mediator between the objective and the subjective, enhancing human-human connection through shaping human-machine and human-environment relationships. As an interaction design architect, creative technologist, and entrepreneur working across intelligent systems, sensory experiences, tangible products, and intangible services, Yujie transforms how people interact with media such as mixed reality, brain-computer interface, self-driving vehicles, and adaptive built environment to empower their lives with meaningful experiences. He is currently a graduate student at Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the Co-Founder of Muser and AiRCAD, with research experience at Media Lab and Harvard Medical School and professional experience at Philips Healthcare.


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